Sync your Reddit's subscription with one click, then you can view all your subscribed/favorited subreddits on your watch.
With Lollybot, you can create new post or write comment right on your wrist.
Found a fun and interesting post? Save it on your watch! Want to see your saved posts again? View it on your watch!
Want to stalk someone? Want to know someone better? Now, you can view users' profile without using your iPhone.
If you are too lazy to open the app, then you can use Lollybot's complication to view the latest/hottest/best posts right on your watch face.
With Lollybot, you can view PM from other users, reply a message, and block a users.
Custom Feeds allow you to easily access your subreddits. Group your subreddits with your iPhone and view them on your watch.
Use Handoff to continue a task on your iPhone. For example, after you opened a post on your watch, you can continue reading it on your iPhone.
Upvote & downvote both posts and comments, see post and user's flairs, image preview, Twitter's tweet & user preview, cake day indicator, post's awards listing and more...
You can unlock Pro in Lollybot's iOS app.
Pro users can add unlimited number of Reddit accounts to Lollybot. Have multiple Reddit accounts? Now you can view all of them on your Apple Watch!
Pro users can customize their swipe actions. Available actions for posts include: upvote, downvote, save, minimize, and share. Available actions for comments include: upvote, downvote, save, minimize, and share.
Pro user: minimum 10 minutes refresh rate, maximum 20 subscribed subreddit. Non-pro user: minimum 1 hour refresh rate, maximum 5 subscribed subreddit.
Not a purple fan? Pro user can customize app color. [Due to watchOS's limitation, you can't change the color of the titles]
Launchers are complications that allow you to open any subreddit directly on the watch face. You can add multiple launchers to the same watch face.
Some experimental features include: viewing gif, gallery, and open link via browser. [Experimental means unstable, use at your own risk]